Passage (2023) a multidisciplinary project lead by Mia Pixley, featuring the poetry of psychoanalyst Dr. Forrest Hamer, the music of Mia Pixley, introduction by Mia Pixley, and prose by Natalie Hung, Leah Oliver, Anjali George, and Hannah Wallerstein, in ROOM: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action.
Pixley, M. M. (2012). Some difficulties with psychodynamic psychotherapy attending to benign auditory and visual hallucinations. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 22(4), 382–392. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029579
Music and Psychology Projects:
Sound of the Reef Coral Enneagram - a visual-music experience whimsically pairing musical interpretations with select coral species to express the unique fears, strengths, and negotiations of each enneagram type.
Music, Creativity, and the Brain: Collaboration with San Francisco Conservatory of Music and Global Brain Health Institute at UCSM - The San Francisco Conservatory of Music (SFCM), Global Brain Health Initiative (GBHI) and the University of California San Francisco Memory and Aging Center (UCSF MAC) explore the intersection of music, creativity, and brain science.